Customer Service

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As a leading competitor we strive to provide the best quality products at a price you can profit from.

110% Commited to Customer

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800-809-4569 ext: 25


Frequently Asked Questions

When will my order ship?

Orders placed online will be shipped within 2 business days of cleared payment. If you receive a call or email regarding a declined credit card, you will want to call the office to make sure your order ships.

What will the shipping charges be?

Shipping is based on weight and is determined by UPS. Minimum charge is $12.50. On average wholesale orders, not including clearance items, shipping costs work out to about 10 - 15% of your total order cost for ground shipping. Expedited service is available at an additional charge. Due to UPS raising rates and adding Fuel Surcharges your shipping price may be adjusted when your order is shipped.

Will I have to pay sales tax?

Gloworks will apply the 6% State of Michigan sales tax to any purchase shipped within the State of Michigan, unless a copy of a current valid Michigan Sales Tax License is provided to us via fax, email, or in person.

How long will it take to arrive?

We suggest ordering 2-3 weeks or more in advance of your event. The estimated amount of ground shipping is located on the map.

Can I use my account number to ship?

In most instances, Gloworks will only ship on our account due to our low freight charges. However, if someone needs shipping on their own account, each case can be decided individually.